Bible Center Services is dedicated to spreading the Bible's truth and reaching out to the lost and hurting.
We are called to preach the truth of the gospel. Through our services, teachings and sermons, many have been set free and saved from deception, captivity and darkness in Jesus' name. Our goal is for as many people as possible to find the truth and experience God's love, salvation and freedom.
Bible Center exists to present the truth in a world full of lies, through various forms of service and biblical teachings. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).
We believe that Christ, who is the incarnate Word of God, plays a fundamental role in all aspects of our lives.
Om oss
With indescribable pride and joy, we want to share the good news of the Gospel with all you Persian speakers, so that you can grow and develop by getting to know God and our Lord Jesus Christ through the teaching of the Bible and the guidance of the Spirit of God. May you witness new thoughts, experiences, changes and transformations as you follow Jesus Christ in your lives.
We bring the good news of God's kingdom directly to the heart of family life. Through the "Gospel Center" we make God's life-giving and hopeful word available to everyone. We deliver a message of God's true love and hope directly to people who thirst and hunger for God's truth.
Our Vision
We strive to see a growing church in Christian faith and testimony, and to contribute to charity in society and culture.
Our Mission
Teach in churches and create opportunities to study the Bible through the "Bible Center".
Our Challenge
Iran is a complex part of the world. Poverty, war, and political and religious oppression are a daily reality for many people, making hope a scarce commodity. In the current situation, many are deprived of the opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel in the local church. In a country like Iran, Christians face great challenges.
Through our work, we hope to give people hope and support in their quest to find and follow Jesus Christ.
The creed
We believe in a God who gave life to man and the universe and continues to give life every day. It is a God who revealed himself by becoming man in Jesus Christ and who continues to live with us through the Holy Spirit.
There are several creeds. The creed we read together in the service and at baptism and confirmation is called the Apostolic Creed and was formulated by the church in the 4th century:
We believe in God the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
We also believe in Jesus Christ,
his only begotten Son, our Lord,
which is begotten of the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
tormented under Pontius Pilate,
crucified, dead and buried,
the lowest path to the realm of the dead,
on the third day rose again from the dead,
the ascent to heaven,
seated at the right hand of Almighty God the Father,
thence recurring to judge the living and the dead.
We also believe in the Holy Spirit,
a holy, universal church,
communion of saints,
remission of sins,
the resurrection of the dead and eternal life.
Our activities
Helping Farsi-speaking countrymen to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Activities together
Christian courses
Daily Bible study
Bible for children
Alpha course, what is Christianity? etc
Baptist teaching
Services / mass
Sundays at 16:00
Experience the beauty of life in Christ together with your brothers and sisters in the divine family, the church.
Collaborate with us
Your volunteer work at Bible Center makes a difference!
Discover a deeper meaning in Christian service through volunteering at the Bible Center. It would be a pleasure if we as a church could participate in improving our surroundings and city and be an influential force. The gospel is very practical, and through our daily activities we want to reach out to those in need with the belief that God can transform lives.
Our activities include:
Contact for more information
You can contact us by telegram too!
مطالب تعلیمی
شما برای خداوند و ما ارزشمند هستید
از طلا، نقره و فلزات با ارزش دیگر در تمام این دنیا می باشید. آیا به این حقیقت ایمان دارید؟ شما از اینکه برای جستجوی زندگی بهتر، خانواده و دوستان خود را ترک کرده و در یک کشور غریب زندگی می کنید شاید احساس نکنید که با ارزش و مهم می باشید
سفارت خانه
اولین باری که عیسی مسیح اسمی از کلیسا آورد در کتاب مقدس، انجیل متی فصل ۱۳ – ۱۶ , کلمه کلیسا به معنی خوانده شدگان و همچنین برگزیده شدگان این معنای است که به کلیسا گفته میشود
شرکت در مراسم عشای ربانی چقدر اهمیت دارد؟
آیا هنوز در مورد اینکه چرا عشای ربانی اینقدر مهم است شک و شبهه ای دارید؟ چرا عشای ربانی در کلیسا برگزار میکنیم؟ خود خداوند در مورد عشای ربانی چه می فرماید؟
کلام خدا را به عنوان مرجع نهایی در هر زمینه ای از زندگی قرار دارد، بنابراین وقتی سؤالی داریم، به کلام خدا رجوع میکنیم. اینجاست که ما هدایت خدا را دریافت میکنیم. در مورد عشای ربانی یا شام خداوند، بیایید به کلام خدا رجوع کنیم و دریابیم که او در این مورد مهم چه فرموده است
Contact us
Do you need pastoral care, prayer and help?
Do you feel that you are hopeless and alone and need help and guidance for yourself and your life?
Don't forget you are not alone!
We are here to answer your questions and pray for you!
Financial support
Proverbs 3:9-10
Honor the Lord with all that you possess and with the firstfruits of your harvest. Then your barns will be filled with grain.
What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are and helps spread the good news of the gospel. We want to honor God with our whole life and that includes our finances. We simply want to serve him with what we have been given
Farsi missionsförsamling
Swish in Sweden
Swish nummer 123 068 61 54